Recently, one of the world’s largest electronics companies, Samsung, declared that it will invest more than $35 million in metaverse projects targeting customers in the Latin American region.
This move is part of the brand’s ongoing digital marketing and growth plan, and its main objective is to facilitate the brand’s ability to engage and interact with the younger generations in this region.
Samsung is known for its ongoing commitment to promoting innovative technological advancements. In an article published on December 20, Anita Caerols, director of marketing and corporate citizenship at Samsung Electronics in Chile, explains the objectives of the recent push into virtual reality. In her words:
‘At Samsung we believe that the metaverse is a real bet to connect with young consumers. That’s why we are investing more than 35 million dollars in initiatives that extend throughout Latin America’, said Anita Caerols.
Samsung targets Generation-Z
According to the electronics company, the Metaverse is one more means of connection for digital natives such as members of Generation Z, adding to many others such as social networks. Generation Z is the most important demographic for the Metaverse for this very reason.
Exploring worlds such as Roblox, Fortnite and, most recently, Decentraland, is a means for Samsung to interact and reach this audience, which will also be the next big generation of customers. This audience will be the consumer of the future.
Despite recent discussions about the users of certain platforms, a study recently released by LinkedIn indicates that the various platforms in the Metaverse currently have an active audience of 400 million monthly users. Moreover, as noted by Samsung, 51% of these users are under the age of 13.
In the world that the next generation will build, there will undoubtedly no longer be walls differentiating the virtual world from the real world. It is believed that there will be different perspectives of cooperative construction.
If a company needs to speak to and connect with a young audience, seek out potential current and future consumers and engage new influencers, it absolutely needs to be present in the Metaverse. Samsung
The enthusiasm of Millennials and even Boomers to discover the ultimate answer to the challenges of the Metaverse may have created the misconception that fully immersive digital platforms are not a fad and are destined to stay, according to Samsung.
Samsung and Web3
Such as its digital influencer, SAM, which is a hub for brand and event innovation and is also the avatar that represents Samsung’s brand ethos; its island in Fortnite called Samsung Smart City, where the company believes connection with its customers is established through gamification; and most recently, House of SAM in Decentraland.
Samsung believes that organic engagement with society will increasingly be a key aspect in the process of unifying the communication and marketing strategies of major brands.
This means identifying where the customers of these big brands are looking for value and responding to their wants and needs.
And that is precisely what the Metaverse makes possible right now: the possibility of listening to and exchanging ideas with people who were born into a world where smartphones were already commonplace.
The electronics company claims that, in addition to other communication channels such as social networks, the Metaverse is an additional tool for digital natives, such as members of Generation Z. For this very reason, Generation Z is the most significant demographic for the metaverse.
Samsung can interact with and meet this audience, who will also be the next big generation of customers, by exploring worlds such as Roblox, Fortnite and Decentraland.
The many platforms in the Metaverse currently have an active audience of 400 million monthly users, 51% of whom are 13 years old or younger, according to a report published by LinkedIn, despite recent discussions about the users of some sites.
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