Most of us will have heard our elders talking about the good old days, when people read books, talked to each other in person, and played board games, but were they really any better than today? Nowadays there’s the possibility to game online which, although a divider of the people, does have some big bonuses.
We’ve rounded up some of the games that just work better online and have delved into exactly what it is that makes the online experience that bit more enjoyable.
A Big Plus For Poker
Poker is one of the most widely played online games and, as such, there are
so many things you should know about playing online instead of in person. One of the biggest arguments for online poker being better than in-person is the ability to accurately track your progress.
With in-person poker, even if you’re fastidious about keeping track of how you perform, you’ll never be able to record the kind of quantitative data that a tracking app can. A tracker can keep a record of exactly which cards are in your hand at any point during the game, whereas that level of note-taking during an in-person game would be impossible.
This means that tracking and training apps are brilliant when you’re playing online, as they can pinpoint the sorts of hands where you frequently underperform, as well as those where you perform easily. For people who are determined to improve their poker prowess, online is probably the best place to do so.
Multiplayer Video Games
Think back to the days of playing on your first game console. Whatever your age, this will undoubtedly be a fond memory but you might remember playing on your own, playing with a friend watching, or playing and chatting to your friends via headphones.
Before the invention of the massive online multiplayer game, you had to be there in person with your friends if you wanted to play video games together. Whilst this was great if you happened to live near your friend and be available at the same time, it could be a real blow for those who lived rurally or had moved away from their friendship group.
One of the best things about new gaming consoles is that they allow you to connect with people from anywhere in the world, as long as they too have a working gaming console and internet connection.
Whilst it may seem like a small detail, imagine a game of Call of Duty where you were acting entirely on your own. Now imagine one where you had a team of friends behind you. The technology is simple, but the difference in enjoyment is vast.

There’s an indisputable charm to playing chess on a really beautiful chessboard, with hand-carved pieces. For those who enjoy the glamour and history of the game, that might be too much of a joy to forego. However, there’s a lot to be said in support of online chess too, a market that is growing year by year.
Just like poker, it’s possible to get chess tracking and training apps and they can be really useful for those wanting to improve. However, there’s another facet to online chess that makes for a more enjoyable experience and that is the ability to find exactly the level of player that you want to compete against.
One of the most brilliant things about the internet is its ability to connect people and it really excels at this in online chess. If you go to the park to play chess, or even to a chess club, you might get lucky and be matched with someone of a similar, or just a little higher ability.
However, if you choose to play chess online then you can handpick the level of player that you want to go up against. For most of us, we’d like to play those who are just fractionally better than us, so we can keep seeing improvements in ourselves.
This has never been easier than when we have all of the players in the world at our fingertips.
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